New media artists Melissa Bliss and Jeremy Wood have lead young people in three creative workshops, which will culminate in an exhibition at the ICA on 18th October 2005.
1) ‘Invisible Tagging’ workshop
- 16-17th August, in Battersea Park & on the Churchill Gardens Estate
Attended by a total of 20 13-19 year olds from the Churchill Gardens Estate who worked with New Media Artist Jeremy Wood and Programmer Hugh Pryor to 'invisibly' write their names and draw shapes up to 400 meters wide by tracking their movements in Battersea park using Global Positioning Devices. The young people used handheld GPS devices to record their positions every second during the activities. The resulting data was converted to printed drawings and digital animations of their movements - showing how, through movement, they had 'drawn' huge scale pictures and signatures.
The project captured the imagination of the young people as the innovative uses of technology combined high-octane activity with the appeal of high tech mobile phone like devices - to capture their global position every second. The event was also an opportunity for the young people to learn how Westminster City Council uses similar technology to regulate their waste disposal services. The Council GIS department collaborated with the artists to produce the final images and animations.
2) ‘Victoria Voices
– A Sound workshop - 22-26th August

Ten young people from 17 to 21 years worked with Melissa Bliss and Jake Nowak to create and edit a digital recording that is to provide a soundscape of historical information, personal stories and responses to the streets around the Cardinal Hume hostel in Victoria. They interviewed job centre applicants, armed policemen, parking attendants, street workers, stall holders to record varied attitudes to homelessness, race, religion and difference.
3) ‘CCTV Is Following Me’
– A CCTV Film Workshop Monday 12th Sept

Ten 13-16 year olds collaborated with Melissa Bliss and Jake Nowak to create a short film shot using a digital CCTV camera. They visited the Westminster City Council CCTV control centre, one of the leading of its kind in the world, learnt how to use the wireless CCTV camera especially installed for the project in Churchill Gardens and debated the issues around surveillance systems. The final outcome is a short film written, acted out, shot and edited by the young people expressing their opinion of surveillance technology.