Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My Territory – a showcase at the Hayward Gallery

Films created by young people from The Living Space in Waterloo were showcased at The Hayward Gallery last Saturday Night as part of the end of their Digital Dialogues Season to an audience of digital artists and local community members.

Photo by workshop participants

My Territory - making videos with mobile phones

Over March 2007 FreqOUT! ran the first of three workshops commissioned by The Hayward Gallery as part of their "Digital Dialogue" seasons. Young People from the SE1 United run Living Space in Waterloo, joined artist Melissa Bliss to storyboard, shoot and edit short films using mobile phones.

The films were created in tributes to local places where the young people go to meet, have fun, think, or watch the world go by, giving them an opportunity to explore their relationship with the built environment. Each workshop will create 5-8 films between 1 – 10 minutes long, which can be shared using Bluetooth.

Photos by Melissa Bliss, Daniela Boraschi and Petra Hudcova