FreqOUT! would like to draw your attention to Five new works by artists working with RFID technology as part an ongoing project produced by [ ] in Hackey, East London.

You can see Richard Barbrook (Westminster University and Cybersalon - see links:
The Class of The New and
Imaginary Futures)in the picture above testing out
iTag by the artist collaborative Louis-Philippe Demers and Philippe Jean. Using a portable music device, available to pick up from the exhibition, shoppers can listen to music generated from the grocery aisles at local shop Hollywood Convenience. Items are electronically tagged allowing the grocery items to produce the artwork .
RealSnailMail is a project in development by Boredomresearch, using RFID technology to enable real snails to carry and deliver electronic messages on their own time, despite growing expectations of instant communication.
Mute-Dialogue (Yasser Rashid and Yara El-Sherbini have created the interactive installation,
Origins and Lemons. Arranged as an East End market stall the installation invites you to pick up RFID-tagged items and scan them to receive clues as to their history and origin.
SWAPOId, evoLhypergrapHyCx (C6)implement RFID technology in the Antisystemic Distributed Library Project, an alternative library of shared books, videos, and music with venues in community centres and bedrooms worldwide, and through this acting as but one site of resistance against a de-humanising, de-dimensional agenda.
Arphield Recordings by Paula Roush records the sound of citizens scanning their Oyster cards in London Underground stations, and outputs them in live performance, installation and public intervention.
A new essay by Armin Medosch, The Spychip Under Your Skin, accompanies this exhibition and is published on a new [ ] website:
Telephone: 0208 525 4339
TRAVELBus: 26 & 48 from Liverpool Street
106 & 254 from Bethnal Green
55 from Old Street
Tube: Bethnal Green
Train: Hackney Central Silverlink
EXHIBITION OPENING TIMESOpening Reception: 6 October, 6 - 9pm; continuing until 21 October With a performance by Paula Roush
Open Wednesday - Saturday, 1 - 6pm